
Marketo — Revenue Starts Here™
The executive leaders of too many companies think of Marketing as a necessary but distasteful cost center, not a strategic asset that drives revenue and deserves investment.

Marketo’s vision is to change that by helping you take more control over the revenue process, build the respect of your organizational peers, and earn a seat at the revenue table.

Fundamentally, this requires you to:

Drive revenue by filling the revenue pipeline with enough sales-ready opportunities.
Improve Marketing accountability and predictability by connecting your efforts to hard metrics like pipeline and revenue.
To succeed at these requires organizational change, improved Marketing-Sales alignment, and new ways of thinking about marketing investments – as well as new tools and capabilities.

That's where Marketo comes in. We believe that marketing automation software can play an important role in helping you drive revenue and improve accountability. That’s why we will provide the analytical tools you need to plan marketing budgets, forecast results, and demonstrate bottom-line impact, as well as the operational tools you need to generate demand and manage leads.

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White Paper from Marketo:
Building Effective Landing Pages

Tags: Search Engine Marketing, SEM, Search Marketing, Online Marketing
Category: Search Marketing
White Paper from Marketo:
Ten Tips for Best Practice Lead Management

Tags: Lead Management, Lead Nurturing, Lead Scoring
Category: Lead Management
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