- Lexnet Consulting Group Lexnet Consulting Group, based in San Francisco, CA, is a privately held company that sells and supports CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and E-mail Marketing solutions for companies throughout the United States. Major brands supported are SageCRM (Sage CRM), Sage SalesLogix, EnterpriseWizard and StrongMail. en-us © 2008 VendorDemo Thu, 06 Feb 2025 14:05:14 -0800 5 - Lexnet Consulting Group 229 68 Lexnet Consulting Group, based in San Francisco, CA, is a privately held company that sells and supports CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and E-mail Marketing solutions for companies throughout the United States. Major brands supported are SageCRM (Sage CRM), Sage SalesLogix, EnterpriseWizard and StrongMail.