Comarch Case Study

Comarch CRM Sales Management at Bank BPH

Comarch has created a solution for BPH that allows the bank to effectively execute a strategy based on treating customers as individuals, and a high quality of offered services. The comprehensive tool for sales representatives improves service quality and time management (by prioritizing planned activities and contacts). The application gives access to aggregated customer data, enables offers to be customized to customer profiles, and allows for the rapid identification of potential customers interested in particular products. BPH’s relationship with Comarch also generated a comprehensive sales planning process-management-and-monitoring solution within SWS. This solution transparently presents the division and current fulfillment of sales plans to all authorized users. Thanks to the implementation of all the elements, including the solution supplied by Comarch, which make up its CRM system, Bank BPH gained a competitive advantage resulting in a significant increase in sales. It simultaneously raised the quality of customer service and customer satisfaction. Our solution is custom- made and, in the case of Bank BPH, was completely designed by bank employees. It focuses on what is most important in contemporary banking: the effectiveness of processes, the efficient use of information, and effective and personalized sales campaigns.

Tags: CRM, Sales Management, comarch, Sales Automation, bank, CRM System, bph, sales system

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